
1. 100年第二次國中基測成績單寄發,臺灣師大心測中心上網公告今年與去年兩次基測量尺總分擇優PR值及累計人數對照表,PR99要404分,比去年少1分。心測中心提醒考生,成績單是第二次基測的PR值,墊下巴,考生選填志願時要參考網路上公布的兩次基測擇優PR值,並儘量填滿80個志願,以免高分落榜,搬家

The score report for the basic competence test for the 2nd junior high school students in academic year 100th has been sent by postal delivery. The center for psychology and education test, National Taiwan Normal University announces the PR information and synopsis for the number of test takers accumulated of the two tests in the last year and this year. It finds that four hundred and four points are required in PR99 this year which is one point less than that of the last year. The center reminds test takers that score on the score report sent this time stands for the PR number of the 2nd test. To avoid failing in the assignment, the examinees should choose a better PR number from the two tests and try to fill out eighty schools they may want to attend in the preference cards.

2. 北北基聯測申請入學改分發放榜,日立服務站,共有2942人報名,眼袋,2,652人成功改分發,抽脂,錄取率九成,預估中前段學生平均向前2到3個志願,後段可以前進20個志願左右。改分發成功的學生都感覺鬆了一口氣,隆乳,校長老師表示未來輔導升學應當以學生理想學校為申請入學目標,未上市,避免分數排名的迷思。

The result for the re-assignment of application entrance examination for the students of Taipei and Keelung areas is revealed. Among the two thousand nine hundred and forty-two applicants, two thousand six hundred and fifty-two of them are successfully assigned which leads the enrollment to ninety percent. It is estimated that the students who are listed in the middle-and-top placement can step forward two to three schools they want,廣告招牌, and the students who are listed in the bottom may get admissions of schools which are twenty placements better. The students feel relieved after the re-assignment. And the principals and teachers hope to assist and guide students to study in their dream schools when they join application entrance examination but not be limited by the myth of scoring placement.

3. 擔心手機的電磁波影響孩子健康,電子磅秤,環保團體呼籲教育部規範高中職以下校園禁用手機。教育部表示,經邀集家長、教師、學者專家、環保團體等代表開會取得共識,將不限制在校園內使用手機,拉皮,但要教導學生瞭解手機對健康的危害,教育部將訂定校園使用手機規範參考原則。

Considering the bad effect coming from the electromagnetic wave, the associations for environmental protection call upon Ministry of Education to forbid using cell phone in the schools under senior high schools and vocational schools. Ministry of Education says that using cell phone will stay allowable in campus after the meeting held for parents, teachers, scholars, experts and the associations but it’s necessary to teach students how the phones may damage their health. MOE is planning to make a reference regulation for using cell phone in campus.

4. 彰化縣長卓伯源引用兒童福利聯盟文教基金會在100年的調查指出,有2成多的弱勢學童沒有天天吃午餐,甚至有1成的弱勢學童一週吃不到三次午餐。


Magistrate of 彰化 County 卓伯源quotes the contents of investigation released by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2011 that about twenty percent of less-privileged students don’t eat lunch every day. Moreover,近視雷射, ten percent of them even cannot eat lunch three times a week. During the long holidays of summer vacation, these students may have no lunch to eat. That’s why 彰化 County government issues a meal coupon for the eight thousand or so students to keep full with hunger satisfied during summer vacation.

5. 幫助經濟弱勢青年有工讀機會,行政院青輔會推動「青年築夢計畫」,目前有401家企業、1萬0848個優質工讀機會審核通過,只要是16到29歲低收入戶或家戶年所得在90萬元以下的高中職以上在學青年,都可上網投遞履歷,歡迎符合資格的青年踴躍報名,宜蘭民宿,詳情可利用RICH職場體驗網查詢。

To help young people from less-privileged families for having part-time jobs, National Youth Commission, the Executive Yuan is promoting a dream-making program. Four hundred and one enterprises including ten thousand eight hundred and forty-eight working opportunities are qualified. The students between sixteen to twenty-nine years old who are studying in the schools above senior high schools or vocational schools and the families’ yearly income is below nine hundred thousand can send their resumes to on-line service. The young people who fit in with the qualification are welcome to join the program. For more detail, please check the website of RICH working experiencing program.

6. 暑假是網友被害的高峰期!有了網路交友的便利媒介後,青少年很容易透過網路結交朋友,進而約出來見面。臺東縣警察局婦幼隊指出,網路交友是在虛擬、隱密的環境下進行,潛藏很多危機,提醒年輕朋友應該建立正確自我保護觀念、提高警覺,避免造成一輩子的傷痛和遺憾。

Summer vacation is a high peak for cyber friends to encounter dangers. It becomes more convenient for young people to make friends through internet and even go on a date in real life when the online dating platforms come out. 台東 County Police Bureau for Women and Children’s Protection points that online dating is proceeding in invented and secret environments which may cause to many damages. It reminds young people to establish a correct conception to protect themselves and stay alert to avoid any mistakes and hurt which may be unforgettable in their whole life.

(2011-07-20 10:18:44 洪秋玉)


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